Jennifer Marshall

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Just average

Lately I've been finding so many incredible mommy bloggers out there who are such brilliant writers. They tell their stories with such creativity and raw emotion that I find myself becoming so envious of their ability to say exactly what is on their minds and say it so succinctly and usually with a humorous spin. Not only that, but also the personable touch of  having put themselves out there for the world to see, pictures of their families included, along with beautiful portraits of their smiling faces (usually somewhere in the upper left or right corners followed by a quick text bio.) Why can't that be me?

I realize that to improve on something, you must dedicate yourself to practicing that skill. You must set aside time every day to work hard at getting better. "Practice makes perfect" is a phrase I often heard growing up in regard to my lack of dedication to playing those black and white keys. Just another extra-curricular activity I ended up dropping during my childhood.

My excuses these days are that the kids take up my time during the day that by the end of the day I am so wiped out from having been run ragged by two little monsters for 14 hours straight, the last thing I want to do is sit at my computer and write. More like take a bath with a glass of wine instead.

I've been reading so many other amazing blogs that I've lost focus for my own blog. And I had big dreams for this blog. Still do.

I'm going to work on writing more often. It may not be pretty, but I want to start to make it a habit to come here and write about what is on my mind. One blog I've been reading lately does a link-up on Tuesdays called Just Write in which she encourages other bloggers to spend some time writing "in the moment" which is a new exercise I am going to try.

I'm going to do a mini version of it right now because I do have something on my mind.

During the last date my husband and I went on which was a few weeks ago, I mentioned to him how I wanted to get better at writing and photography. It occurred to me that I have always had a love of everything artistic, ever since I was very young. And yet, in college I was too timid to truly follow my heart for fear of failing and not being able to support myself as a "starving artist". Turns out, in the recruiting business I ended up in, I saw first-hand how challenging it was for graphic designers and writers to launch their careers on a decent salary and at that point in my life I was grateful that I had chosen to follow a more lucrative career path.

Our conversation shifted to the kids. We both agreed that we want to try our best to encourage and support them no matter what field or career the choose to pursue. I have a feeling that this will be tough for me, as I have an underlying ability to speak my opinion on any and everything involving my children. It's another thing I am working on.

I aspire someday to be recognized for being a voice that helps other people. And I hope that by that time I am able to do that through words, pictures and maybe even video, as some of my fellow bloggers do right now. I have so much respect for you, ladies. Keep on writing because you all inspire me and so many other people through your heartfelt words. (Check them out by clicking through my blogroll, right sidebar.)

That's all for now from me, just your average mommy blogger.